Small family-run farms

We’ve worked with the Kimuli cooperative in Tanzania since 2015.  It has over 2,000 farmer members, who own small family-run coffee farms.  Many members also grow other agricultural products, such as bananas, sweet potatoes and yams,  to increase their income and food supply.

They invest in their community

The cooperative became Fairtrade certified in 2012.  With the Fairtrade Premium they receive for their members’ coffee, the cooperative has been able to fund projects to benefit the whole community.

The members have benefited from:

  • A nursery for growing coffee seedlings that are resilient to common diseases and higher temperatures.
  • Shade tree seedlings that farmers can use to grow their coffee in shade, which enhances the coffee quality.
  • Tree planting on their land to improve soil quality and prevent soil erosion.
  • A new water system used to improve the coffee quality at the processing stage.
  • A community health care centre, school renovations and other new buildings and infrastructure.
  • New vehicles.


Kimuli produces coffee for…


Our range

Bright and sweet with a hint of vanilla.