We make sure that drinking coffee today doesn’t stop us drinking coffee tomorrow.

Because if farmers can’t make a living growing coffee, they’ll stop. And right now 80% of them aren’t earning enough to do basic things like feed their families and get medical help when they’re sick.

Changing the way coffee is bought and sold is the only way to guarantee the future of our daily drink – and of the people who make it.

We put growers first

We buy from them directly, pay them fairly, and invest in cooperatives so they get local support and training.

Our growers also own shares in our business and sit on the Board – so they’ve got a direct say in how we run things and when we make a profit they do too.

We respect the earth

If we want the earth to give us coffee, we can’t strip it of the things it needs to do that. So we’re working hard to use only renewable energy, we prioritise buying organic coffee, and we’re making sure 100% of our packaging can be reused, recycled, or composted.

We lead the pack

We can’t guarantee the future of coffee all on our own. So we’re open about our goals, why they matter, and exactly what it takes to reach them – making it easy for other companies to follow our lead.

We focus on taste

We can’t help our growers if we can’t sell our coffee. So we make sure it tastes as decent as it acts.

Our long-standing relationships mean farmers give us the best of the crop, so you’ve got good reason to pick our pack off the shelf – turning an everyday ritual into a gamechanger.


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