We put our growers first

We buy from them directly, pay them fairly, and invest in cooperatives so they get local support and training. Our growers also own shares in our business and sit on the Board – so they’ve got a direct say in how we run things and when we make a profit they do too.

Direct relationships, for the long-term

Farmers grow the coffee. We buy it and roast it. You drink it. That’s it – those are all the players. And 78% of those farmers have been in the game with us for over 20 years.

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We pay a higher price for coffee

We always pay decent prices for our coffee, listening to our growers rather than the market. We support local cooperatives by paying extra money for things like Fairtrade or organic farming. We’ll get relevant local people to help us understand what a living income looks like in each country we source from – which we aim to pay by 2030.

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Invest in coffee cooperatives

Keeping our grower’s farming knowledge up to date and learning new skills often takes time and money they don’t have. We’ll make sure they can get the knowledge they need to grow their business, protect their farms against climate change, and make their work sustainable – whether that takes training in micro finance, technology, sustainable agriculture, or new markets.

We’re also proactive in making sure both women and younger people get the education and support they need to be meaningfully involved in the coffee business.

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Farmer voice

More than half of our growers own shares in Cafédirect. And two of our eight board members are farmers. So we’re not just calling them partners – we’re giving them a direct say in how we run the business. And when we make a profit, they do too.

Farmer voice